Build a REST API with PHP SlimInit
4/21/2022In this quick tutorial I will guide you through the setup of a simple REST API PHP Project using SlimInit, a wrapper around the Slim Framework.
First we need to create a blank PHP composer project. Create a new folder, execute composer init
and follow the steps of the composer config generator. You can either choose to interactively define the dependencies and search for adeptoas/slim3-init
there, or run composer require adeptoas/slim3-init
after the setup. Please note that version ^4.0 of the SlimInit library is based on Slim4, despite the 3 in its current name.
Project Structure
This is an example directory structure for a sliminit project:
index.php # your app's entry point
src/ # the core of your app (models, etc.)
handlers/ # folder for all API handlers (more on that later)
config/ # optional config files, e.g. database or email credentials
templates/ # optional template files for emails, etc.
vendor/ # the installed composer dependencies
composer.json # your composer config
Your public/index.php needs to create a new SlimInit instance and load your API handlers.
use Adepto\Slim3Init\SlimInit;
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$slim = new SlimInit(withCORS: true);
->setAllowedOrigins(['', 'http://localhost:3000']);
->addHandlersFromDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../handlers')
The convienient method addHandlersFromDirectory will automatically load and register the routes from all handlers in that specified folder. SlimInit also has built-in preflight/CORS support - so there’s no need for a custom middleware.
A handler is a class that is responsible for one or more endpoints. Each handler returns an array of routes that are automatically being registered and map a route to a callback method.
This is a basic handler that creates a POST route for /example
and returns a JSON body.
use Adepto\Slim3Init\{
class ExampleHandler extends Handler {
public function example(Request $request, Response $response, stdClass $args): Response {
if (!empty($request->getParsedBody()['name'])) {
$name = $request->getParsedBody()['name'];
return $response->withJson(['message' => "Hi $name!"]);
return $response->withJson([
'message' => 'Who are you?',
], 400);
public static function getRoutes(): array {
return [
new Route('POST','/example[/]', 'example'),
SlimInit handlers are a great approach on structuring endpoints without having to register each route on the slim instance manually. In a simple todo app/API you could split the endpoints into handlers like AuthHandler
(user authentication), TodoListHandler
(manage lists), TodoHandler
(manage todos).
SlimInit also comes with a great support of middleware. For example, implementing a JWT authentication is very convienient. The SlimInit base handler class has a container, which can contain the user object inserted by the middleware. In every handler at any point you can then use $this->getClient();
to get the currently authenticated user.
This is an excerpt from a middleware that authenticates a user based on the Authorization header (actual authentication/validation is skipped):
namespace App\Middleware;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\{
class UserAuthMiddleware {
public function __construct(
protected ContainerInterface $container,
) {}
public function __invoke(Request $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): Response {
if ($request->hasHeader('Authorization')) {
$token = $request->getHeader('Authorization')[0];
// validate token here and get the user object
$this->container->Client = $user;
return $handler->handle($request);
Then register the middleware in your public/index.php…
->addHandlersFromDirectory(BASE_DIR . '/handlers')
->addMiddleware(new UserAuthMiddleware($slim->getContainer()))
…and you are ready to go:
class ExampleHandler extends PrivilegedHandler {
public function example(Request $request, Response $response, stdClass $args): Response {
if ($this->hasClient()) {
$name = $this->getClient()->getUsername();
return $response->withJson(['message' => "Hi $name!"]);
return $response->withJson([
'message' => 'Who are you?',
], 400);
The SlimInit PrivilegedHandler
comes with methods like hasClient()
and getClient()
- however your user object needs to implement the SlimInit Client
interface. Alternatively you can also easily create your own Handler
class to extend from. I am using the following for a little more flexibility and using my own UserInterface:
namespace App\API;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\Handlers\Handler as SlimInitHandler;
use App\Exceptions\UnauthorizedException;
use App\Models\User\{
class Handler extends SlimInitHandler {
* Require auth, throws an exception if user is not authenticated
* @return void
public function requireAuth(): void {
if (empty($this->container->Client)) {
throw new UnauthorizedException('User authentication failed.', 3);
* Returns the currently authorized user (or null)
* @return UserInterface|null
public function getUser(bool $require = false): ?UserInterface {
if ($require && empty($this->container->Client)) {
throw new UnauthorizedException('User authentication failed.', 3);
return $this->container->Client ?? null;
* Returns the current session of the authorized user (or null)
* @return Session|null
public function getSession(): ?Session {
return $this->container->UserSession ?? null;
In addition to the user object my auth middleware is also checking the user’s session. And I can use the getUser()
, requireAuth()
and getSession()
functionality everywhere in my handlers.
Exception Handling
Another cool feature of SlimInit is the ability of registering custom exception handlers. In nearly all projects I am using an InvalidValueException
that is being thrown when data in a request is invalid. Instead of catching these exception in each handler (and generating a response from that) it's possible to create an exception handler:
namespace App\API\ExceptionHandlers;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\Handlers\ExceptionHandler;
use Adepto\Slim3Init\Request;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use App\Exceptions\InvalidValueException;
use Throwable;
class InvalidValueExceptionHandler extends ExceptionHandler {
public function handle(Request $request, Throwable $t, bool $displayDetails): ResponseInterface {
* @var InvalidValueException $t
return $this->createResponse(status: 400)->withJson([
'status' => 'invalidValue',
'key' => $t->getKey(),
It can be registered again in the public/index.php:
$slim->setException(InvalidValueException::class, InvalidValueExceptionHandler::class)
Whenever an (uncatched) InvalidValueException
is thrown, it results in an error 400 with the json output from the handler. This saves a lot of duplicate code in handlers where user input is validated.
Same goes for other useful exception handling like being unauthorized, lack of permissions, exceeding rate limits, etc.
SlimInit is a really great enhancement of the slim framework that makes projects much cleaner and better structured. Check out the SlimInit Github repository for the full documentation! Also check out my yaml-config library for convieniently using .yml
files for your config files (database credentials, etc.) that I use along with SlimInit.